Lines and Colors art blog

John Nevarez

John Nevarez John Nevarez is a storyboard and visual development artist for Disney TV Animation. His self-titled blog is, quite simply, a treat. It’s chock-full of characters, creatures, bots and backgrounds drawn in a lively, infectious style that makes you wish he did animations, comics and everything else ’cause you just want to see more of his stuff.

The blog also includes some lively figure drawings. This is a great site for artists (and would-be artists) to visit because Nevarez makes drawing look like the most fun thing in the world.

He has published a sketchbook which is available from Stuart Ng Books (along with a way too cool selection of other artist’s sketchbooks).


4 responses to “John Nevarez”

  1. John! You are an inspiration! Keep on keeping on.

  2. maria fitzpatrick Avatar
    maria fitzpatrick

    I’m looking for a good book on how to paint cartoons (eg whinnie the pooh

  3. yeah!!! John Nevarez rules !!!

  4. i’m graduated from the fuculty of fine arts in syria- damascus with (excellent degree).and I like to show you some of my work ,
    waseem marzouki