Month: January 2006
Masamune Shirow
Masamune Shirow (pen name for Masanori Ota) is one of the most popular and influential creators of manga (Japanese comics). He is best known as the creator of Ghost in the Shell, which most Westerners know more from the 2 Anime movies (directed by Mamoru Oshii) and TV show than from the original manga they…
Arthur Rackham
British book illustrator Arthur Rackham, who was active from the late 1800’s to the 1930’s, was one of the all time great illustrators and one of my favorites. He was particularly noted for his illustrations of children’s books. Whatever he tackled, Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm, Rip van Winkle, The Wind in the Willows,…
Mark Goerner
Concept artist Mark Goerner has done conceptual illustrations for props, sets and environments for films like Minority Report, Constantine, X-men 2 and The Terminal, as well as upcoming films like the new Superman and Battle Angel Alita (for James Cameron). Goerner’s site contains concept art from many of those movies as well as some of…
Kawase Hasui
Kawase Hasui was a Japanese printmaker, active in the first half of the 20th century, who created wonderfully subtle and entrancingly beautiful woodblock prints of landscape scenes. His images were sometimes brimming with light and the brilliant colors of Spring or Autumn at other times almost monochromatic, depicting scenes at night, twilight or in the…
Electric Sheep Comix (Patrick Farley)
Electric Sheep Comix is a blanket title for a site featuring several webcomics by Patrick Farley. (“Electric Sheep” comes from the title of the Phillip K. Dick novel, Do androids Dream of Electric Sheep, from which the movie Blade Runner was adapted.) Electric Sheep Comix includes three main comics and several older ones. Some of…
Mark Hallett
One of the most difficult challenges in paleontological illustration is making it naturalistic. That sounds like a contradiction. Dinosaur art is, after all, natural history illustration; but by naturalistic I mean that the animals need to look like they could really be alive. They need to stand and move like real animals. It’s one thing…