Lines and Colors art blog

Flight 3

Flight 3
Yesterday was Wednesday, the day when most comic shops get their new comics for the week. I stopped into Between Books, the unique little bookstore/comics shop in Delaware where I buy my comics, and was delighted to find a shiny new copy of Flight 3 waiting for me.

Flight 3 is the third and much-anticipated installment in the Flight series of comics anthologies. The Flight books are about the potential – more than that, the realized potential – of alternative comics, of the revitalization of the anthology as a viable comics format, of the transition of comics artists from the web to print and of the artistic voices of a new generation of comics creators.

If you find superhero comics unappealing (or just a bit tiresome), or if you are just curious about what else the comics art form has to offer, here’s a great place to start: 26 independent comics artists gathered in one volume with fresh, vital and individualistic visions of what comics can do and say.

Among the creators in Flight 3 are a number of artists that I’ve profiled in previous posts here on lines and colors, including Rad Sechrist, Kean Soo, Michel Gagné (also here) and Kazu Kibuishi (also here), who is the driving force behind the Flight anthologies.

For more information see the the Flight blog, and Kibuishi’s Bolt City. Also see my previous post on the preview for Flight 3.

The Flight blog features a terrific Flight 3 Preview section with lots of sample artwork. (There is even a Flight 4 mini-preview on Newsarama.)

Here is an Amazon link for Flight 3, as well as the previous volumes, Flight 1 and Flight 2.

Even if you think you don’t like alternative comics, or especially if you think you don’t like comics at all (I’m talking to the fine art contingent here), try to find a copy in a comics shop or bookstore and just leaf through it. You may be surprised at how you take to Flight.