Lines and Colors art blog

John Gurche

John Gurche
John Gurche is a paleontological artist known for the near-photographic realism and compositional drama in his scientific reconstructions of prehistoric life.

Gurche was a consultant on Jurassic Park and provided paintings for the 1989 dinosaur stamps for the U.S. Postal Service. His illustrations have been in numerous books and have been featured in magazines like National Geographic and Natural History Magazine. His work is in the American Museum of Natural History, the Smithsonian and the Field Museum, which houses the mural version of the t-rex image above, showing an interpretation of the famous t-rex find named “Sue” which is mounted at the Field.

His dinosaur images in particular showcase his ability to add realism to scenes of prehistoric life with his superb control of atmospheric effects and aerial perspective. He also has a knack for finding unusual positions and angles of view for his images.

Although his work covers many aspects of prehistoric life, his is most widely recognized by the general public for his dinosaur art, and is probably best known in the scientific community for his reconstructions of early humans and pre-human species.

He is currently involved in an 10 year ongoing project called “Lost Anatomies” for which he is illustrating many of the anatomical changes that have occurred to the human form over the course of our evolutionary history.


6 responses to “John Gurche”

  1. Ever since I saw John Gurche’s work in National Geographic I was deep impressed with his artistic abilities!

  2. Greg Sweatt Avatar
    Greg Sweatt

    John Gurche is easily the Leonardo Da Vinci of paleontological art!
    I am a dinosaur painter at the Denver Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Show each year, and John once critiqued my work as he attended the show…he was gracious and kind, and needless to say I was starstruck by his presence.

  3. Ethan Newman Avatar
    Ethan Newman

    I am a fellow artist,though I’m only 12,I can Draw amazingly,but your drawings are awesome!

  4. Margaret Nicholson Avatar
    Margaret Nicholson

    I spent a little time with you (John)while you worked on the timeline for the Smithsonian in the house in Arlington. I was doing my externship from the CIA at the Hyatt in DC. Always said you are so gifted.

  5. C. E. WAGNER Avatar
    C. E. WAGNER

    What is your date of birth and place of
    birth. Have the postal issue from the U.S., but need to place them in the proper
    state of birth. Part of my book which I hope someday to have published by a Philatelic organization

  6. Roy & Joanna Thoele Avatar
    Roy & Joanna Thoele

    hello John: we have enjoyed your web pages..wonderful work as always! we are still on Lowell Ave. in Overland Park. Mark is back in Mpls MN after living several years with us. he let us know about your web site. he is proud to have known you. if you want to call him his cell is 612-600-2638. he works partime. keep up the great work! the Thoeles