Month: February 2007
Now here’s a great idea from a group of artists for an informal series of creative projects that also translates into a fun web site. I can’t sum it up any more succinctly than they do themselves in the first paragraph of their FAQ: “DrawerGeeks is a fun thing we do every other Friday, where…
Gilbert Stuart
In addition to his famous portraits of our first president, George “father of his country but not exactly the handsomest guy” Washington, Gilbert Stuart, who has been rightly called the father of American portraiture, did less-well-known portraits of the next four presidents, First Ladies Dolley Madison and Abigail Adams, artists Benjamin West, Joshua Reynolds, John…
Sarah Wimperis
For the past year and a half, I’ve been following the “painting-a-day” phenomenon, in which painters do one small (usually postcard-sized) painting a day, post them on a blog and offer them for sale directly to the public, most often through the means of an eBay auction. When I started covering the practice only two…
William-Adolphe Bouguereau
The thing about opinions, as the saying goes, is that everyone has one. When it comes to William-Adolphe Bouguereau (sometimes called Adolphe-William Bouguereau), those who are have an opinion usually have a strong one. Depending on who you ask, Bouguereau was either a purveyor of sentimental treacle, suitable only for reproductions on calendars, or one…
Don Maitz
Every once in a while I just get the hankering for a good dragon painting. An artist who immediately comes to mind when I think of dragons, of course, is Don Maitz. Maitz is a well known science fiction and fantasy artist who has been awarded the Hugo for best artist twice and also taken…
Yuko Shimizu
OK, What do you get when you combine the colorful open-lined style of Ukiyo-e woodblock prints with ink outline and color styles from comic book art, fashion drawing , movie posters, surrealist drawings, pen and ink illustrators from the 30’s, pop art from the 60’s and modern mainstream illustration, throw them in the pop-culture blender,…