When I wrote about Utah illustrator Michael Phipps back in February I mentioned that I was hoping to see more of his work. Phipps has just launched a completely revised web site with additional illustrations.
His site, which I believe he designed himself, is a rare example of a “clever” concept site that still manages to function as a navigable portfolio site.
The news section include links to an interview with Phipps on the MySpace blog of the rock group Advent, for whom he recently illustrated a CD cover.
Phipps’ illustrations, pained largely in acrylic, have a fascinating sense of dimensionality and texture, with nicely visceral textures on surfaces like tree bark, stone and carved wood. He also has an interesting approach to rendering atmosphere, at times condensing vaporous elements into apparent solids.
Phipps’ new site includes several images I hadn’t seen before, but I’m still looking forward to more.