Lines and Colors art blog

Pencil vs. Camera (Ben Heine)

Ben Heine
Pencil vs. Camera is project by Belgian painter, illustrator, caricaturist and photographer Ben Heine, in which he draws part of a scene, usually in a fanciful interpretation of it, and then takes a photograph of the drawing held up against the original scene or photograph.

The drawing is usually on a ragged-edged, odd shaped piece of paper, creating a more interesting intersection between the photograph and drawing. In some cases he plays rather fast and loose with his rendition of the scene, in others, his drawing is quite faithful.

Heine has posted the 13 drawings that are (so far) part of this project to a Flickr set, as well as posting them on his blog.

You can see most of the images to date on the page with his 13th image (mildly NSFW).

[Via Metafilter]


10 responses to “Pencil vs. Camera (Ben Heine)”

  1. Okay – you got to me with the word ‘mildly’, to put it mildly. This guy is good, and I really like his ‘hook’!

  2. It’s photoshop!
    I think, he took the photo, traced over a part of it (may be also digitally – the lines are too consistent) took another photo of a hand holding paper – then combined all the parts in photoshop.
    It’s a clever trick, not drawing.

  3. Chantaru Avatar

    I agree, the hand doesn’t even looks like it belongs in the photo in most of them. Definately faked (but a good idea non-the-less)

  4. Looks like a different hand in each photo as well. Cool effect however he did it. 🙂

  5. The conveniently torn shape of the paper added to my own suspicions regarding the sequence in which these images were assembled.

    1. Could be, but I’m willing to forgive a fair bit in terms of intention and execution because I find the end result so visually charming.

  6. It’s clever but if we are being asked to believe that he actually drew these on location and not from tracing a photo and then took the photo I don’t believe it.

    The work is too exacting, the perspective and positioning too, way too perfect. It ruins the effect reducing “art” to artifice.

  7. So we had similar visual ideas…
    This two pictures above bear strong resemblance to my very first stop motion movie:


    1. Fun!. Thanks, Ania.

  8. Illustrates fantasy and reality.It seems that the two photo has similar scenario,comparison shows the difference between the two.