Massachusetts based fantasy artist Scott Fisher counts among his clients Simon and Schuster, Warner Brothers. Tor Books, Lucas Film Harcourt and Wizards of the Coast.
For the latter he has done a number of illustrations for their iconic Magic: The Gathering game, for which his work has a pleasantly different look than many of his contemporaries.
In the images of his that I like the most, he often divides the backgrounds into roughly geometric patterns, swathed with color and infused with interesting textures.
His subjects are then set against these patterns, with stylized garments swirling through the compositions, interweaving with areas of contrasting or blending values in the backgrounds.
Fischer’s website has examples of these, as well as his his work in concept design, book covers and a selection of personal work.
Fischer also works in a very different style in his alternate role as a children’s book illustrator. His work in this field is so different form his other illustrations that he has a separate section of his website with example of his illustrations for both younger and older kid’s books. He also does readings and performances for schools, and is the author of his own children’s book titles, Twinkle and Jump!.