Lines and Colors art blog

Antipodean Fantasy on BibliOdyssey

Antipodean Fantasy on BibliOdyssey, Margaret Clark,  Ethel Jackson Morris, Ida Rentoul Outhwaite, May Gibbs
The Golden Age of Illustration, roughly from the last quarter of the 19th Century to the early decades of the 20th, is most often associated with artists from the U.S. and Europe; but terrific illustrators were also working on the other side of the Earth, in Australia and New Zealand.

BibliOdyssey, that ever fascinating and vastly deep cornucopia of visual wonders and curiosities, has an article highlighting some of them, Antipodean Fantasy: Random Australiana (“antipodean” referring to the position of Australia and New Zealand as roughly opposite the British Isles on the globe).

Be sure to click on the images in the post, as BibliOdyssey author peacay has kindly provided us with nice large versions of the images on his Flickr pages.

If you haven’t visited BibliOdyssey, take some time to look around, and be prepared for a major time-sink. For general description, see my previous posts on BibliOdyssey and BibliOdyssey (the book).

You can also get lost on peacay’s Flickr pages, but the blog itself is much more conducive to browsing and discovery (try some of the image links in the lower right column, under the list of Resource Sites).

(Images above: Margaret Clark, Ethel Jackson Morris, Ida Rentoul Outhwaite, May Gibbs)


2 responses to “Antipodean Fantasy on BibliOdyssey

  1. Really enjoyed this.

  2. Have followed BibliOdyssey for quite awhile now and you’re right – only instead of time-sink, I’d call it a visual black hole. There are only so many viewing hours in a day…