Hobo Lobo of Hamlin is a side-scrolling webcomic by Stevan Zivadinovic that uses multiple planes scrolling at different rates to give a nice dimensional effect, augmented with other touches of animation.
My screen captures above attempt to give some idea of the changing relationship of the planes, but they’re inadequate to the task; you need to see the actual effect.
You can use the controls at top to move through the panoramic images one “scene” at a time, or just grab the horizontal scrollbar at the bottom of the window and have at it.
The animation and multi-plane scrolling are apparently created in HTML and JavaScript rather than Flash, which means you should be able to view the effects on the iPad, but outdated desktop browsers may have issues.
On his “What is this thing?” page, Zivadinovic implores users of Internet Explorer to get a real browser, as well as explaining a few other technical considerations and indicating his intended update schedule; according to which an update should be coming 1:25am (CDT) on this Friday, April 29th, 2011.
The strip, which appears to be loosely based on The Pied Piper of Hamlin, is only two sections long at the moment, but looks promising to be watched for coming updates.
Zivadinovic also has a primary website called The Nihilist Canary, where you can see more of his work.
[Via Scott McCloud]