Lines and Colors art blog

Eye Candy for Today; Cabanel portrait

Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, by Alexandre Cabanel
Catharine Lorillard Wolfe by Alexandre Cabanel.

Late 19th century full-length portraits like this were said to be done in the “Grand Style”, pulling out the stops to make the best presentation of the subject.

In the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Click “Fullscreen” and zoom or use download arrow.

Catharine Lorillard Wolfe by Alexandre Cabanel, Met Museum


3 responses to “Eye Candy for Today; Cabanel portrait”

  1. What a beautiful woman! Elegant and aristocratic, and yet so modest. Not a single piece of jewellery on her, because she might have donated everything towards her philantropic activities. She was the only woman among the 106 founders of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Bravo!
    She deserves to be portrayed and admired in every possible way.

  2. Simply gorgeous.

  3. Saw this painting two weeks ago at the Met and it did cease me on the spot. In real life, it takes your breath away!