The Path of Nature: French Paintings from the Whitney Collection, 1785-1850 is the title of an exhibition currently at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
It includes works by well known and lesser known artists from the period.
Though I haven’t been able to see the show, I have seen some of the works from the permanent collection, like the fascinating painting Gothic Chapel by Charles-Marie Bouton (images above, top, with detail).
For those of us who can’t get to the show easily, whether for geographic or meteorological reasons, the images in the museum’s online gallery of works in the show are linked to the regular entries for each work on the site.
These include wonderful high-resolution images. (On the detail page for each work, click on “Fullscreen” under the image and then choose Zoom or use the Download arrow.)
The show runs until April 21, 2013.
(Images above: Charles-Marie Bouton, Théodore Caruelle d’Aligny, [unknown], Simon Denis, Adrien Dauzats, Camille Corot, Charles Rémond)