Lines and Colors art blog

Phil Sandusky (update)

Phil Sandusky , plein air New Orleans
Phil Sandusky is a New Orleans based painter who I have featured previously on Lines and Colors. I checked back recently to see that not only has he added recent work to his website, but a new series of prints as well.

Sandusky’s plein air paintings have an appealingly informal, sketch-like feeling, due largely I think, to his interesting approach to delineating many straights a wavering edges. In places, this also gives his sun-dappled images of New Orleans, Atlanta and Jacksonville a feeling of shimmering mid-summer heat.

I particularly find Sandusky’s approach to painting New Orleans refreshing. Where others might look for romanticized views of landmarks and tourist sights, Sandusky looks unblinkingly at the real city, in all its moods and richly varied character.

In addition to his new prints, many of Sandusky’s paintings are available in a series of books, the latest of which is New Orleans Impressionist Cityscapes.

When viewing his website, be aware that what looks like a list of plain text links toward the top of the pages is actually a pop-out menu.