Lines and Colors art blog

Eye Candy for Today: drawing by Jean “Moebius” Giraud

Jean Moebius Giraud, flying boat in mountains
Drawing by Jean “Moebius” Giraud

From the GeekDraw article marking his passing. (See also my post: Jean Giraud (Moebius) 1938-2012).

I don’t know if this has a title, many Moebius drawings do not. I think this one is old enough that it was done with ink and watercolor, rather than digital.

One of the things that consistently amazes me about Moebius, beside his astonishingly fertile imagination, is the remarkable effects he achieves with areas of relatively flat color and subtle gradations. Yes there are hints of modeling here, but only hints — gentle suggestions that let your mind fill in the rest.

Just wonderful.

Moebius drawing, Geekdraw


4 responses to “Eye Candy for Today: drawing by Jean “Moebius” Giraud”

  1. Always a great example of restraint with materials. Just enough line. Another artist who has influenced a generation. Thanks.

    1. Certainly one of my favorite artists, for that and many other reasons.

  2. Chris James Avatar
    Chris James

    It’s remarkable how he was able to make his digital work look like his analog. I thought this was a digital piece at first glance. Same line character, same application of colors and highlights.

    1. I have to say that I’m just guessing — based on how long ago I first saw this particular image. My judgement of time could be off, and it could be digital. As you say, he had a knack for controlling his mediums to achieve the look he wanted in a consistent way.