Lines and Colors art blog

Eye Candy for Today: Corot pencil drawing

Young man in Front of a Great Oak, Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, graphite, heightened with white gouache
Young man in Front of a Great Oak, Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot

Graphite on tan paper, highlighted with white gouache, roughly 11 x 16 inches (39 x 29 cm). Link is to zoomable image on Google Art Project; downloadable high-resolution file on Wikimedia Commons; original is in the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

Corot’s precise and economical rendering is also wonderfully fluid and gestural. I love the way his lines of tone follow the form, and also suggest the texture of the bark. The tree was likely sketched from life in the Forest of Fontainebleau.


One response to “Eye Candy for Today: Corot pencil drawing”

  1. karen reilly Avatar
    karen reilly

    Love the sketches here and many other images in your offerings. Thanks!!!
