Lines and Colors art blog

Donald Jurney (update)

Donald Jurney, landscape paintings
Donald Jurney is a Boston-based painter who I have featured previously on Lines and Colors.

Jurney paints landscapes that have something of a subtle, 19th century European feeling, while still being assuredly contemporary. His paintings are enriched by his masterful command of color, texture and value relationships.

It’s the latter, I think, that is the strongest aspect of his paintings. His compositions are tour-de-force examples of how value can make quiet scenes rivetingly strong. I particularly enjoy those scenes in which we view fields and mountains through screens of foreground trees.

Jurney’s work will be on display in a solo show at the new Quidley & Company gallery, at 12 Wilton Road, Westport, CT, opening October 22nd, 2016.

You can find a gallery of Jurney’s work on the Quidley & Company’s website.

Jurney’s own website is not regularly updated, most of his current news is posted to Instagram, where you will also find instructive works-in-progress.

I believe Jurney paints most of his work in France and Ireland, having traveled there on many occasions.

With the thought of paying back some of the opportunities afforded him in painting in Europe, Jurney and his wife have established a new Fellowship, designed to allow the awarded fellow the opportunity to likewise travel and paint in Europe.

The Donald & Kim Jurney Traveling Fellowship

The Fellowship was established in cooperation with the Newburyport Art Association, and is open to painters working in a traditional, representational manner, though they need not be a landscape painter.

The Fellowship grant for the chosen applicant is $5,000.00.

Applications must be received by December 15, 2016 for travel in 2017.

You can find out more about the Fellowship on the dedicated website. If you feel that this endeavor is worthwhile and would like to contribute to seeing it go forward, there is the option to make a tax-deductible contribution to the project through the Newburyport Art Association, which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.


4 responses to “Donald Jurney (update)”

  1. Eric Joye Avatar

    Jurney is a great painter. I really like him.

    Charley, I’m really impressed by the ongoing quality of Lines and Colors. I’m following you for years now with the same pleasure of seeing, learning and just dreaming in front of great artworks. Your eclectic choice makes it utmost interesting.
    We, the readers, forget too often to thank the authors for their hard work…
    Thank you Charley !

    Eric, Brussels

    1. Thanks, Eric! I’m glad you appreciate the eclecticism, it’s an integral part of my intentions for Lines and Colors — the hope that I can encourage readers to cross genre lines to find wonderful art they might not otherwise encounter.

  2. Steve Gilzow Avatar
    Steve Gilzow

    I second Eric’s comment. Thank you, Charley.