Lines and Colors art blog

Leo (L.J.) Jordaan

Leo (L.J.) Jordaan, anti-fascist art, andi-nazi art
Leo (L.J.) Jordaan was a Dutch anti-fascist artist and political cartoonist who was living and woking in Amsterdm at the time of the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands in 1940.

Prior to the invasion, Jordaan has been working for the magazine Green. The Nazi occupiers shut down the magazine, along with most of what could be called a free press — always an enemy to fascists — and Jordaan took his work to underground publications.

Jordaan had a powerful graphic style, emphasized by his use of both dark and light hatching. He showed the Nazis a bringers of death, terror and pestilence to his beloved Netherlands, and was particularly harsh on Dutch fascist sympathizers, who he portrayed as shooting loyal Dutch in the back.

His most famous image was “De Robot” (images above, third from the bottom), which portrayed the Nazi war machine as an unstoppable robot trampling Dutch soldiers beneath its metal boots. It was published in the underground newspaper De Groene Amsterdamme (“The Green Amsterdamer”) during the occupation.

His portrayal of Hitler as a brooding Lucifer (above, second from bottom) seems to give a nod to Gustave Doré’s image of the Ninth Circle of Hell. The image of Christ in thorns above him refers to an image I’ve seen before, but I don’t actually know its origin. It may be a Gothic or early Renaissance icon.

In the image above, bottom, we find Jordaan mocking the Nazis’ attempt to appropriate Dutch culture — and Rembrandt in particular — as part of “Aryan Heritage”.

Jordaan survived the occupation, and after the war became a noted film critic.

The best source for images of Jordaan’s work is the Illustration Art blog, which has comments under some of the images that put them in context. Also good is this post on Dr. Tenge whhich features large images.


3 responses to “Leo (L.J.) Jordaan”

  1. Officially, Leendert Jurriaan Jordaan (30 december 1885 ,Amsterdam -21 april 198 0 Zelhem)
    AKA Leen Jordaan, Leo Jordaan, Leo J. Jordaan, who worked for magazines De Ware Jacob, De Nederlandsche Spectator, De Wereld and De Notenkraker. He also published a comic in Het leven. In 1931 he succeeded Johan Braakensiek as illustrator of De Groene Amsterdammer. During WWII he made some anti-German cartoons. After the war he worked for Vrij Nederland and Het Parool.

    1. Thanks, aelle. I emphasized his anti-Nazi work here partly because it’s what is most readily available on the web, but primarily because there are currently events happening here in the U.S. that call for anti-Nazi, anti-fascist sentiment to be put forward.