Lines and Colors art blog

Daniel Blimes, oil painting

Daniel Blimes, oil paintings

Daniel Blimes is a Los Angeles based painter whose current work is a series of portraits, faces and figures rendered in oil in a fascinatingly textural approach.

Many of the works are almost monochromatic save for key passages, others are rich with subtle variations in color.

His textures combine striations, stipple and linear geometric marks in a way that gives them an appealingly graphic quality. Blimes uses directional marks to aid in the definition of the form and the flow of your eye through the composition. His brush marks also lend a feeling of unity to the surface and give his paintings a feeling of atmosphere.

His website features a images of his work that are fortunately reproduced large enough to get some feeling for the textural surface.

Daniel Blimes’ work can currently be seen in a solo show at Arcadia Contemporary in Pasadena, CA. The show is titled “Paradigm” and will be on display until April 28, 2019.