Lines and Colors art blog

Will Terry

Will Terry illustration

Will Terry illustration

Will Terry is freelance illustrator with a history of both editorial and children’s book illustration. His emphasis currently is on the latter, and he has worked with publishers like Random House, Simon Schuster, Scholastic, Penguin, Klutz, and Albert Whitman.

He has also created widely circulated indie ebooks and is the co-founder of the online children’s book illustration instruction program Society of Visual Storytelling.

Terry’s style has a lively cartoon-like energy combined with sophisticated rendering. I particularly enjoy his textures and theatrical lighting effects. On his website you will also find examples of sketches and drawings.

Will Terry has a YouTube channel on which he offers advice to aspiring illustrators.


3 responses to “Will Terry”

  1. Some really nice work there. Will have to check out further.

  2. Absolutely fantastic work. These look so beautiful. Thank you