Lines and Colors art blog

Happy Leyendecker Baby New Year 2020!

JC Leyendeckers Saturday Evening Post New Years Baby cover for 1920

JC Leyendeckers Saturday Evening Post New Years Baby cover for 1920 (detail)

As I’ve done every New Year’s Eve Since 2006, I’ll wish all Lines and Colors readers a Happy New Year with another of J.C. Leyendecker’s terrific New Year’s Baby covers for the Saturday Evening Post.

See my 2006 post for background on the origin of the Leyendecker New Years baby covers for the Saturday Evening Post.

I wish you all a new year filled with beautiful, inspiring art!


4 responses to “Happy Leyendecker Baby New Year 2020!”

  1. And may the new year bring you joy and endless inspiration from art, past and present, Charley!

    Thank you for continuing to share your ‘Lines and Colors’ with us all!


  2. I found your blog from a list of the Top 100 Art Websites. I think this tradition of sharing a J.C. Leyendecker’s New Year’s Baby cover to celebrate is so creative. Cheers to a new decade!

    1. Thanks, Anthony.