Lines and Colors art blog

A Cavalcade of Santas

Santa Claus illustration by Thomas Nast,
Santa Claus illustrations by Thomas Nast, Reginald Marsh, Arthur Rackham, J.C. Leyendecker, N.C. Wyeth, Norman Rockwell and Haddon Sundblom

Our image of Santa Claus comes primarily from the interpretations of illustrators over time. Here are a few examples.

Despite the fact hat Nast had given Santa his physical form and Reginald Marsh dressed him in the red suit with white cuffs, I think it’s J.C. Leyendecker to whom we owe our most complete contemporary image of His Jollyness.

(Images above, in chronological order: Thomas Nast [with detail], Reginald Marsh, Arthur Rackham, J.C. Leyendecker, N.C. Wyeth, Norman Rockwell and Haddon “Sunny” Sundblom)