Search results for: “santa”
Some illustrators’ Santas
Our image of Santa Claus comes primarily from the interpretations of illustrators — famous and otherswise — over the years. (Images above: J. C. Leyendecker, Thomas Nast, Reginald Marsh, Arthur Rackham, Norman Rockwell, N. C. Wyeth, Edgar Franklin Whittmack, Haddon Sundblom)
A Cavalcade of Santas
Our image of Santa Claus comes primarily from the interpretations of illustrators over time. Here are a few examples. Despite the fact hat Nast had given Santa his physical form and Reginald Marsh dressed him in the red suit with white cuffs, I think it’s J.C. Leyendecker to whom we owe our most complete contemporary…
J. C. Leyendecker’s wide awake Santa
Well, here’s something I didn’t know: coffee perks you up! — at least, according to this ad from the December 16, 1940 issue of Life magazine, delightfully illustrated by J. C. Leyendecker. Apparently, Santa is WIDE AWAKE in this ad from the Pan American coffee producers. This is an advertisement for coffee in general, rather…
Beleaguered Leyendecker Santa
Another wonderful Saturday Evening Post Santa Claus cover by the brilliant American illustrator J.C. Leyendecker, who I think played a major role in forming our modern image of the Jolly One. Here, he is portrayed as not so jolly as he fends off the unwanted attention of the house’s stalwart defender, who apparently doesn’t recognize…
Another Norman Rockwell exhausted Santa
Another of Norman Rockwell’s tired Santa illustrations, this one before rather than after his world-round ride, as in the illustration I featured in this post from 2017. I love the fact that Santa is apparently oblivious to the elf on his shoulder hanging onto his ear as he leans out to point. Source for the…
Felepe Santamans
Felepe Santamans is a contemporary Spanish artist from Valencia who trained at the Academy Barrera of Valencia, and continued in The School of Fine Arts at the Fuster Academy. He also studied under Jose Espert, who he counts as a major influence. Santamans’ original training was in oil painting, but he moved into pastel, attracted…