Category: Cartoons
Eye Candy for Today: Steinberg’s iconic View of the World from 9th Avenue
View of the World from 9th Avenue, March 29, 1976 cover of The New Yorker, Saul Steinberg; ink, colored pencil and watercolor; 26 x 19 inches (71 x 48 cm). Whether you’re seeing this for the first time (in which case, you’re welcome), or you’ve seen it a hundred times and had the poster on…
Adrian Tomine
Originally from California, Adrian Tomine is an illustrator and cartoonist living and working in Brooklyn, NY. Tomine has taken to his adopted city so well that he has become a reader favorite contributor to the New Yorker. His New Yorker covers, as well as many of his other illustrations and drawings, have that wonderful combination…
How to Draw a T.rex Cartoon Dinosaur
As some long time readers are aware, in addition to writing Lines and Colors, I’m also a designer, painter and cartoonist. I’ve just taken my first run at creating an instructional YouTube video in support of my book, Dinosaur Cartoons. How to Draw a T.rex Cartoon Dinosaur is an 11 minute step-by-step tutorial in which…
Tom Gauld
Tom Gauld is a Scottish cartoonist and illustrator whose deceptively simple style is simply delightful and simply perfect accompaniment to his wry sense of humor. Gauld is a regular contributor to the (most excellent) British newspaper The Guardian, where his “cultural cartoons” are often literary in subject matter, and New Scientist, where they are obviously…
Inktober started as a challenge illustrator and cartoonist Jake Parker set himself in October of 2009, to draw 31 ink drawings in 31 days. The goal, as in any exercise of this sort, was to get better end develop a more consistent working practice. He repeated the idea the next year, promoting the notion that…
Leo (L.J.) Jordaan
Leo (L.J.) Jordaan was a Dutch anti-fascist artist and political cartoonist who was living and woking in Amsterdm at the time of the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands in 1940. Prior to the invasion, Jordaan has been working for the magazine Green. The Nazi occupiers shut down the magazine, along with most of what could…