Lines and Colors art blog

The Cartoon Bank

This is The New Yorker’s online presence for their enormous repository of cartoons. You can search by topic or by cartoonist and browse online through hundreds of cartoons. Yes, the site is very commercial and exists mainly to hawk their multiple lines of prints, t-shirts, et al, but the cartoons are there, large enough to read, whenever you need a little sophisticated absurdity.

If that isn’t enough, there are the occasionally wonderful New Yorker covers, viewable slightly larger than the cartoons. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any sign of the often great little spot illustrations that have brightened the magazine’s pages over the years. Some of the original art is for sale, although they don’t quote prices on the site.

Of course, if you’re really into New Yorker cartoons, you have the book.


3 responses to “The Cartoon Bank

  1. […] For a better overview of his work, there is a nice section about Steinberg, along with many images, on the New Yorker’s Cartoonbank site. Here a link to the covers. (I wrote about the Cartoonbank site in August of last year.) […]

  2. For those interested in cartoons, you may find worth a look. Similar in nature to Cartoon Bank, we represent a much wider variety of cartoonists from around the world and have a much larger on-line database, so those looking for cartoons or gifts incorporating those cartoons that don’t quite fit into the New Yorker mould, it may well be a fruitful place to go…

  3. Sarah Kholusi Avatar
    Sarah Kholusi

    Thank you, you helped me in my art history course 🙂
    & made it more interesting too!