Lines and Colors art blog

Ghostbot is an animation studio formed by San Francisco animators Roque Ballesteros, Alan Lau and Brad Rau. You’ve probably seen their snappy ESURANCE animated TV ads. They are one of the studios creating video animation in Macromedia Flash, normally seen as a tool aimed at web animation.

The Projects gallery contains animations, storyboards and design sheets. (Check out the “Lost Reel” ESURANCE animation.) There are bios and individual portfolios for the three artists.

Lau, Rau and Ballesteros also collaborate on the Ghostbot blog, one of the best animation blogs around.



3 responses to “Ghostbot”

  1. Sweet! Thanks for the mention, Charley! You’re too kind…

  2. My pleasure, roque. You guys do cool stuff.

    I work in Flash myself so I can appreciate some of what you’re accomplishing. Unlike many people who do character animation in Flash, you seem to have a solid grounding in traditional animation techniques, and it shows.

  3. This is a great site! The guys at Ghostbot are totally worth wanking, great colors, great designs and great entertainment flows out in a wave during each project!
