Lines and Colors art blog

Syd Mead
Futurist Syd Mead has long been one of the premiere industrial design and motion picture concept artists. His movie work includes Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Bladerunner, Tron, 2010, Short Circuit, Aliens, Time Cop and Johnny Mnemonic.

The official Syd Mead site is a little disappointing. Most of the images are in the Bookstore section, and they’re a bit small. Click on any of the titles to open a pop-up with a selection of images from all of the books. There are also some images in the Features section. There are larger images of posters for sale on the AWN site, and some older images on the unofficial Syd Mead Project site.

The site I’m recommending and linking to below is the Syd Mead Gallery on the Gnomon Workshop site, where Mead is an instructor in concept design.

There are also Syd Mead books available.


4 responses to “Syd Mead”

  1. […] His sleek futuristic designs remind me a bit of master concept artist Syd Mead (who I profiled in last November). […]

  2. Syd mead is fantastic,I haven’t seen anything better
    except maybe ron cobb or joe johnson.It will be hard
    to replace him when he passes on. I myself have done
    futuristic work which i intend to put in a book called
    ‘heuristic design harmonics’I’m currently looking for
    other futurist work which seems quite rare in our times.If anyone knows of othe futuristic designers
    please email me with some names.Cheers!

  3. Alan Vaughn Avatar
    Alan Vaughn

    Just went to Syd Mead’s only ever solo show at MModern Gallery in palm Springs. It was fantastic. Soem of his best work! Truly an inspiration to all of us artists!

  4. Syd Mead’s work is among the very best. He has been a great inspiration to me over the years. I wish I could see him in real life.