Lines and Colors art blog

Art Out Loud<
There are a number of illustrators and artists who have posted demonstrations of their painting techniques online, but how much better it is when you can see artists demonstrate their working process in person.

Art Out Loud is a series of demos at the Society of Illustrators in New York, conceived and arranged by Tor/Forge Books Art Director Irene Gallo (who I recently profiled here) and illustrator Daniel Dos Santos.

There are two events scheduled for this Fall. The first is on Saturday, October 7th, 2006 from Noon to 4:00 and features science fiction greats Donato Giancola (image above, left), and Todd Lockwood (above, right), both of whom I’ve profiled here on lines and colors.

Giancola will give a demonstration of his oil painting technique, which owes a great deal to old master painting fundamentals, and Lockwood will demonstrate his digital painting techniques. It should be a fascinating comparison as both artists have a great respect for the old masters and the great illustrators of the Golden Age.

The next event will be on Saturday November 11th, 2006 from Noon to 4:00, and will feature James Bennett, Gary Kelly and Greg Manchess, who I also recently profiled on lines and colors.

There is additional information and images on this post on Gallos’ blog, The Art Department.

Past events have sold out, so early registration would be a good idea.