Lines and Colors art blog

Jessica Joslin makes unusual objects that are a collision of sculpture, assemblage, jewelry and perhaps taxidermy.

Seemingly displays in an unnatural history museum, Joslin’s sculptures consist of bone (real, cast or modeled), brass, sculpted and painted leather, beads, lamp fittings, wire, machine bolts, pins, feathers, pewter, glass eyes, and various antique hardware items arranged into bizarre animal forms.

The result is an eerily disconcerting menagerie of “characters” to which she has assigned names like Serafina, Callisto, Ludwig, Valeria and Cosimo (at left).

Joslin is quick to point out in her FAQ that when she does use real bone or animal skulls, she obtains them from the same suppliers that provide them ethically to natural history museums. She often uses casts or modeled pieces as well, and does her best to make it unclear which is which. When viewing her galleries, note that you can often click in the text area on links for detail images.

Her objects vary in size from one inch tall to nearly six feet, and her site arranges them according to series done in particular years. Joslin works professionally as a commercial model maker, crating prototypes for toys (perhaps for an extra-dimensional toy company).

Link courtesy of Leah Palmer Preiss


3 responses to “Jessica Joslin”

  1. Just discovered your work… Love it! whimsical-delicate-regal-creepy…
    Your work will be one of my inspirations for my next piece. Thanks.

  2. Found you again and more of your work.
    I appreciate it greatly and like your style.
    Again, WOW
