Link Collector is just that, a well arranged collection of links to sites for illustrators, digital painters, concept artists, matte painters and comics artists.
The illustrators are primarily science fiction and fantasy, and there is an emphasis on concept art and digital painting. The category labeled “Traditional and Sculpture” seems to refer to traditional media, as opposed to digital, within the fantasy, science fiction and concept art genres, rather than to traditional genres of art. There is little in the way of sculpture yet, but I assume that will take the form of dimensional works in the science fiction and fantasy vein, similar to what one might encounter in the Spectrum collections.
There is a section of Art Resources, with links to other major collections of similar art and illustration, and a growing blogroll. Unlike most blogrolls, which are essentially just lists of links, the listings here, like the listings in the other categories, are accompanied by a short, succinct description of the site and a representative slice of image or a logo, making them much more useful than non-annotated links.
The Link Collector was put together by Leonid Kozienko as part of his Leoartz site; which includes links to his portfolio of digital painting on CGPortfolio as well as his blog. The very brief bio on the CGPortfoio site lists Kozienko’s experience as concept design and illustration for videogames and film. Most of the pieces in the portfolio seem to be experiments and playful interpretations of images from films. The blog is in Russian, but the titles, interestingly enough, are in English; and the images, of course, are independent of language.
Link Collector is available in either English or Russian, and can be toggled between the two with a link at the top. The link I’ve given here is to the English version.
Note: I should give my customary warnings that Link Collector contains links to some NSFW material; and can be a major time sink. Have fun.