Mark Bischel is another of those illustrators whose work I’ve encountered, but about whom I know little. His web presence is minimalist to a fault, consisting of a series of (unfortunately horizontally) scrolling thumbnails and the larger images they link to; which can also be navigated (fortunately) by forward and back arrows.
His images range from dark and thickly textured monochrome charcoal drawings to brusquely textured oil paintings to graphic and somewhat monochromatic silkscreen, and what appear to be ink and watercolor paintings.
As fascinating as the slikscreens are, it’s the ink and watercolor pieces I find most appealing. They have a a loose, fresh feeling, and carry the best qualities of an on-location sketch, with free line work and lightly applied areas of color.
A brief search for Bischel produced little additional information other than the fact that he is a graduate of the School of Visual Arts. He has also been in the Communication Arts Illustration Annuals, which is where I encountered his work.
Perhaps Bischel will update his site at some point with additional images and maybe even a little information.