Lines and Colors art blog

Month: April 2008

  • Joe Duncan Gleason

    I only became aware of Duncan Gleason when my wife let me know there was an interesting painting being shown on one of those PBS programs about antiques. It was a painting of two kids sitting somewhat precariously on a rock in front of surf on the rocky California coast. It was painterly and colorful…

  • Sergy Skachkov

    Sergy Skachkov is a Russian concept artist, who is currently doing freelance work for films and games. Except for a brief bio on CapucinesBoulevard, I can find very little in the way of information about him or his professional work. He doesn’t have his own web site (at least that I can find), but instead…

  • Pen Drawing by Charles Maginnis on Project Gutenberg

    I love pen and ink drawing. It has a visual charm and character unlike any other medium. I assume that I came by my affection for it from realizing as a teenager that pen and ink drawing was the basis for comic books and cartoons, but I was also exposed at a pretty early age…

  • Creativity Enhancing Disease? (Anne Adams)

    No, you don’t want to get it. The New York Times has published an article, A Disease That Allowed Torrents of Creativity, on the case of Dr. Anne Adams, a Canadian scientist who suffered from a form of dementia called frontotemporal dementia, or FTD, in which certain parts of the brain are adversely affected and…

  • Martin Wittfooth

    Martin Wittfooth’s paintings draw on both industrial and natural elements, often displaying an intersection and clash of those worlds. Rusting hulks of buses (school, public and VW) sink into the ground in barren landscapes, and occasionally sprout new growth; disarmingly fish-eyed cats swim in drainage channels with bobbing warheads while silver zeppelins glide over concrete…

  • R.J. Matson

    Whenever the topic of political cartoonists comes up, the question of political bias raises its smirking little head and I get comments about “How could you feature this flaming liberal terrorist sympathizer?” or “How could you showcase such a right wing fascist nut case?”. I’ll start out by saying that RJ Matson is unabashedly liberal,…