Month: May 2008
Alison Elizabeth Taylor
Starting from a sketchbook drawing, which is revised and refined as it is scaled up, sometimes to wall-size, Alison Elizabeth Taylor creates her images (which she calls “paintings”) out of wood veneer. Using different kinds of wood, sometimes 100 or more varieties in an image, she applies the sections in ways that allow the natural…
Boris Artzybasheff
Illustrator Boris Artzybasheff was born in the Ukraine, emigrated to the the U.S. and was active during the mid 20th Century. “Unique” may be a mild word to describe Artzybasheff’s approach to illustration. maybe if I add adjectives like “idiosyncratic”, “eccentric”, “bizarre” and “off the wall”, I can get a little closer; oh yes, and…
Tang Wei Min
I’ve long been fascinated with the cross-pollination of ideas and styles between the artistic traditions of Asia and Europe. Even though they are technically on the same continent they were effectively separate worlds for much of the time their artistic methods and traditions were developing. Now, of course, the world is melting together, connected by…
Tim Warnock (update)
Matte paintings are paintings that produce the illusion of a background or part of a background in film. They can also form part of a foreground. Matte paintings are almost as old as movies themselves, and were originally painted on glass, and positioned in front of, and/or behind the actors (or stop motion creatures), creating…
Draw yourself as a teen
Here’s a great idea, started as a simple notion by webcomics artist and blogger Dave Valeza, and now snowballed into something of an internet meme. The suggestion was simple: “challenge: draw yourself as a teen“, supplemented with “if you are still a teen, draw your future post-teen self”. Word has gotten around, as people have…
CRW Nevinson
Though most of the horrors you’ll see in the art on these pages are imaginary, like movie monsters and fantasy creatures, some horrors are quite real, and we occasionally need to stop an remind ourselves of them. For those in other parts of the world, I’ll mention that today is Memorial Day here in the…