Tritan Elwell is an illustrator who graduated from the High School of Music and Art in New York and went on to attend the School of Visual Arts there on a full scholarship. In addition he worked as an assistant to photorealist painter Charles Bell. He returned to the School of Visual Arts as an instructor, teaching classes in painting and illustration.
He has maintained a client list that includes HarperCollins, Penguin, Avon, Pocket Books, Bantam and Tor Books. Tor books has a gallery of his work.
He has also been featured in Print, Communication Arts and the Spectrum collections of contemporary fantastic art.
Elwell utilizes contrasts, not only of value and color, but of degree of detail, to control how he directs your eye and snaps attention to the focal point of the image. He also maintains a designerly eye to the graphic elements of his images, giving them a balance of positive elements and negative spaces.
The image shown here is perhaps not as representative of his work as some others might be, but seemed delightfully appropriate for Halloween.
I was unable to find a dedicated web site for Elwell, but I’ve gather a list of links to galleries of his work.