Lines and Colors art blog

Winona Nelson
Concept artist and illustrator Winona Nelson attended the Atelier, and currently works for Planet Moon Studios.

She previously worked for Flagship Studios in Hellgate London and has done work for Wizards of the Coast, Platinum Studios and others.

In addition to her concept art, character and object design and illustration, Nelson also does some comics work.

Her web site has example from various categories, but particularly of interest is the “Fine Art” section which includes some very nice figure drawings, cast drawings and portraits, including the self-portrait above, lower left.

Nelson also maintains a blog on which she posts sketches, finished paintings and works in progress; and discusses her ongoing and upcoming projects.

[Via Marc Taro Holmes (see my post on Marc Taro Holmes)]


One response to “Winona Nelson”

  1. Exquisite figure drawings. Winona is very talented.