This is an amusing little animation that was made as a course assignment by a design degree student in Singapore, who goes by the handle “saggyarmpit” on Vimeo.
She points out that it was done fairly quickly, the drawings illustrated with technical pen and rough around the edges, and expresses surprise at the degree of attention the piece is getting.
What’s amusing and appealing about the piece is her clever use of folded paper, flip book techniques and stop motion animation to move the character through his parkour motions.
(Parkour, or “the art of moving”, is a practice originating in France of traversing an environment, usually urban, by physically adapting to it using climbing, jumping and running skills that are honed in a way comparable to martial arts training. You may have seen it displayed in the opening of the Casino Royale James Bond film from 2006.)
Here the artist, with post production help from Noel Lee, moves the figure through the illustrated environment, her hands acting as part of the stop motion action.
“Saggyarmpit” does not have a web site yet, but promises one soon.