Lines and Colors art blog

Stephen Scott Young
Stephen Scott Young is a renowned contemporary watercolorist and etcher whose works are in major collections and museums.

Young was born in Hawaii, moved to Florida with his family at the age of 14, and studied printmaking at the Ringling School of Art in Sarasota. His watercolor technique, which frequently makes use of drybrush, is self-taught, and based on his admiration for artists like Winslow Homer, Andrew Wyeth and Thomas Eakins.

Young lives part time in Florida and part time in the Bahama Islands, where he finds subjects for many of his well known paintings of children. This was also a place where Homer came to paint, and Young has even done compositions that are essentially recreations of Homer paintings.

Whether at play, moody and contemplative, or even formally posed, his images of children seem to see past the surface into a moment in their lives.

The refined technique and precise draftsmanship applied to his subjects are often set off against loosely suggested backgrounds, rendered together in a muted palette with accents of brighter color.

Young also works in etching, drypoint and silverpoint drawing.

[Via Artist Daily]


9 responses to “Stephen Scott Young”

  1. I am so pleased to have found your site, so full of treasures and helpful commentary to guide us on our way to better appreciate the art you display. As you have written about this yourself, I thought you or your readers might also be interested in, which is about the Book of Hours exhibit currently on display at the Morgan Library. I encourage anyone who can to see the exhibit in person. For those for whom that’s not feasible, Lines and Colors’s 2/7/10 post is a terrific guide to best viewing of the online version of the exhibit.

  2. Hi There

    This post took me on a nice little journey and this site has so much more to explore.

    The 3 examples by Stephen Scott Young are amazing with more than enough inspiration for the whole week.

    Thanks for it all including the great site,


  3. I have been following your Blog for some time now, there is always great stuff here. I remember seeing Youngs work a long time ago in American Artist Magazine when I was an art student. The painting that always stuck in my mind was the one of this little girl holding an american flag. I saw it again in one of the links you had- the image is exactly as I remember it. Very powerful peice of painting to stay intact in my memory for so long. Wonderful work.

  4. Steven Scott Young has been a huge influence on me for years. Seeing his work in the flesh is so very moving.
    Great pick Charley.

  5. I am the new one in photography. After watching the work of Stephen Scott Young, Now i have more respect in my heart for you.

  6. Just enjoyed every bit of this and links, it was great! Great Artist! Like the way he paints with dry-brush, What is this technique about?

    1. My understanding is that in general use the term “drybrush” can refer to the application of any paint in a way that resists flow, and leaves a stroke that only partially covers the support or layer below, producing a broken, textural application of paint.

      More specifically, though, drybrush is a difficult watercolor technique in which the watercolor paint is applied without dilution, in a manner similar to the application of oil or tempera. In this application it does not necessarily refer to the kind of textural application implied above. Drybrush watercolor can be seen the watercolor work of Andrew Wyeth. Here’s a good passage on Handprint:

  7. Thanks for the help and link that opens the explanation of this technique. Highly appreciated!
    It seems something I might just be tuned into!

  8. Valerie Houston Avatar
    Valerie Houston

    I visited the Greenville County Art Museum on Saturday 09/29/12 where Stephen Scott Young’s “I’ll Be Your Witness” was on display. I have limited knowledge or understanding of the art world, but his work is awesome. A class assignment to prepare a paper opened my mind and heart to the his many beautiful subjects and the American flag…Thank you!