Lines and Colors art blog

Nuthin’ But Mech

Nuthin But Mech: Christian Pearce, Peter Rubin, Jake Parker, Lorin Wood, Ben Mauro, Marc Gabanna, Alex Jaeger
Nothin’ But Mech is a group blog started by concept artist Lorin Wood and concept designer Scott Kester to indulge in their fascination with robots in all their wonderful widgety variety of shapes forms and functions.

They invited a number of their colleagues in the film and gaming industry to participate, and the result is a fun range of all manner of robots, exoskeletons, and other devices that make their way into a loose category of “mech”.

There is an equally diverse variety of drawing and rendering styles: pencil drawing, traditional painting, markers, digital painting and 3-D modeling, along with various combinations of the above.

There is an impressive list of contributors, many of whom I’ve featured previously here on Lines and Colors, and the links on the sidebar provide access to their websites and blogs where you can find a great range of concept art.

(Images above: Christian Pearce, Peter Rubin, Jake Parker, Lorin Wood, Ben Mauro, Marc Gabbana and Alex Jaeger. Links are to their sites; here are my posts on Christian Pearce, Jake Parker, Marc Gabbana, Alex Jaeger.)


6 responses to “Nuthin’ But Mech”

  1. Sorry to hear about the thieving Charley. They moderate their comments at art you know so my pithy offering may not see light of day. The whois returns — I suggest you go there, if you haven’t already, and fill out the abuse form.

  2. Charley, thanks for all the interesting writing and the effort to keep sharing a wide variety of art. The blog thieving is unfortunate, unimaginative and sad.


    1. Thanks, peacay, Lok and everyone else who has contacted me about this over the last two weeks, for the suggestions and support.

      I’m happy to report that one of my actions (or threats of actions), has resulted in the Art You Know thief taking down all of my stolen content, at least for the time being.

  3. Donna McGee Avatar
    Donna McGee

    And of course, there’s no way I’ll visit Art You Know. Thanks for all the effort you put into this blog. Thieft is a crime, whatever the stolen property. I hope there will be consequences for the thief such that it will be a deterrent for any others who might be tempted.

  4. Now that is some cool stuff to draw, robots and mech robots and this blog post has given me an idea, cheers now for this…..