Lines and Colors art blog

Month: October 2010

  • PumpkinMixer

    I don’t often talk about my own projects on Lines and Colors, but sometimes they’re enough fun to be worthy of note. PumpkinMixer is my new app for the iPhone and iPod touch. Like my other apps, DinoMixer and MonsterMixer, it was developed with my friend and colleague Leon Stankowski, who created the coding to…

  • Chappatte

    Patrick Chappatte is a political cartoonist with an international reach, and a personal history to match. Born in Pakistan, Chappatte was raised in Singapore and later Switzerland. He lived in New York for a time and now lives and works in Geneva. Chappette’s global view comes across in his cartoons for the International Herald Tribune…

  • Learning to draw: where to go from here

    Tim, a Lines and Colors reader, wrote me to say that he had recently become inspired to return to the practice of drawing. He had purchased a copy of Betty Edwards’ Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (see my post here), and was looking for other books and resources to pursue his interest…

  • Irving Ramsay Wiles

    The son of Hudson River School painter Lemuel Maynard Wiles, Irving Ramsay Wiles began study with the great American painter William Merritt Chase at the age of 18. He studied with both Chase and noted painter James Carroll Beckworth at the Art Student’s League in New York, where he would later teach. Wiles continued to…

  • Drazen Kozjan

    Drazen Kozjan was born in Croatia and now lives in Canada, where his family moved when he was young. His career has included visual development and storyboarding for a number of features, including The Neverending Story, Rupert the Bear, Franklin The Turtle and George Shrinks. He is also an editorial illustrator and children’s book illustrator,…

  • Glenn Jones

    Glenn Jones, a freelance illustrator and graphic designer based in Auckland, New Zealand, creates deceptively simple images that always have a twist or hook, usually leaving you smiling if not laughing out loud. After a 15 year design industry career, Jones found that his T-shirt designs for were so successful that he started his…