I found when I wrote a post on Edward Gorey last year that though there are scattered sources for his illustrations on the web, there is little in the way of a dedicated repositiory of his work.
This has in some degree been addressed courtesy of a wonderful Flicker set by Marci and Deth of Edward Gorey Book Covers from books they’ve collected.
There are 69 covers, covering (if you’ll excuse the expression) a range of subjects, from John Bellairs stories to Shakespeare plays to H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds (I happen to have a copy of the latter, with interior illustrations by Gorey as well).
It’s a great collection, with large versions of the images in most cases, showcasing Gorey’s wonderfully idiosyncratic illustration, and in many cases typography chosen (or hand drawn) by Gorey as well.
[Via Tom Gauld by way of Irene Gallo]