Lines and Colors art blog

Even more Leyendecker wonderfulness, in high resolution no less

J.C. Leyendecker at Scott Anderson Studio
Wow. Good week for J.C. Leyendecker fans.

If my post last Sunday about the Leyendecker studies on David Apatoff’s Illustration Art blog weren’t enough, we now have a wonderful post about J.C. Leyendecker by illustrator Scott Anderson, in which he posts a number of images of a few Leyendecker originals that he had the opportunity to study in detail.

Anderson has been kind enough to pass some of that “study in detail” experience on to us by posting close up shots of areas of the paintings in glorious high resolution, allowing for the study of Leyendecker’s brushwork and application of paint texture.


While you’re on Scott Anderson’s blog, check out his own work, as well as on his illustration site. (I’ll be featuring Anderson’s work in a separate post in the near future.)

[Via Drawn!]


5 responses to “Even more Leyendecker wonderfulness, in high resolution no less”

  1. I’m headed in that direction, Charley!

  2. These last three posts (your’s, Apatoff’s and Anderson’s) on Leyendecker are fabulous!
    It was not always clear how translucent his paint application was. The circles on the horse’s back and hindquarters for instance are the drawn underpainting showing through. Much of his original pencil lay-in is very evident too.
    I wonder how much of that Leyendecker allowed for ‘style’… or maybe it is more a result of illustration deadlines and lower quality printing of the day where he knew it would not show in reproduction.
    Can’t always get to see originals but the next best thing is high resolution.

  3. Brian Harrison Avatar
    Brian Harrison

    Charley, you are spoiling us, and I will move along to the mentioned site. For now though, thank you for posting these stunning additional Leyendecker images – fabulous as always. The close up detail of the paint application is very interesting indeed. in truth, some of his work was a bit ‘ stripy ‘ for me, but curious. As the strips tend to run diagonally left to right, was he left handed by any chance, as being so myself, they would be the angle I would produce ?
    Great though, so thank you again Charley.

  4. Some much going on and every stroke looks so deliberate. Wow!

  5. Very beautiful artworks. Too bad Leyendecker is better known than, say, Rockwell.