Lines and Colors art blog

Sally Strand
Sally Strand’s bright, energetic pastels and lively oil paintings treat her subjects not so much as objects as vehicles for the play light as expressed through texture.

In her pastels in particular, textures made up of a variety of colors reveal patterns of value contrast as light splashes across her still life arrangements and quiet room interiors.

Invoking one of the best qualities of pastel, its rich immediate expression of pigment with a minimum of binding material, she gives even her muted shadow colors a vibrancy that makes the whole work feel alive.

Strand studied at the American Academy of Art in Chicago, the Art Students League and the National Academy of Design in New York.

In the portfolio on her website you’ll find a mixture of her subjects. Be aware the there are several pages of the gallery, accessed from an easy to miss link at the bottom of the thumbnails. You’ll also find more pieces in the Archive section.

You can also find articles about her work, with illustrations, in her website’s Press section, including articles from the Pastel Journal and SouthWest Art.

You cans find her work represented at the Telluride Gallery of Fine Arts.


6 responses to “Sally Strand”

  1. I love how that single pear is brought forward into the light, in front of the others in the background. That’s very sensitive.

  2. To paint an unmade bed is probably the last theme that would come to my mind, however I am surprised how wonderful it looks. Beautiful how the lights falls on the sheets.

  3. Love these works, the shapes and vibrancy of the drawings are spectacular. The way she puts the pastels to use is a great skill.

  4. Sally Strand Avatar
    Sally Strand

    Hi, Sally – My name is Sally Strand, too and I can’t paint a picture if I just had to follow lines. I enjoy looking at your paintings and think it is phenomonal that we have the same name. I don’t know where you live, but, I live in Rainier, Washington on the West Coast.

  5. Ed Murphy Avatar

    Hi Sally
    thanks for all the hours of pleasure your work has given me

  6. Bobbi Baltzer Jacobo Avatar
    Bobbi Baltzer Jacobo

    Thank you for your fantastic oils and pastels, just amazing and a constant inspiration. Bobbi