Drawing Inspiration (Vimeo Link) is animated short from the UK, directed by Tim McCourt and Wesley Louis, aided by a group listed on the Vimeo page and on the Drawing Inspiration blog.
A park denizen’s routine of sitting on his regular bench and drinking is interrupted by the discovery of a mysterious drawing of him, left taped to the bench by persons unknown. This sets off a series of events that lead him out of his narrow routine.
The animation makes wonderful use of simple watercolor backgrounds, out of focus planes and cinematic camera angles and scene compositions.
The accompanying blog chronicles the process of creating the piece and could serve as a textbook walkthrough of what’s involved in planning, designing and creating a short animation (there’s more to it than those who haven’t been involved might think). There’s also a “Making Of” video and more on the websites of the creators.
[Via Escape Into Life ( http://api.twitter.com/#!/escapeintolife ) ]