Lines and Colors art blog

Month: April 2011

  • Hobo Lobo of Hamlin

    Hobo Lobo of Hamlin is a side-scrolling webcomic by Stevan Zivadinovic that uses multiple planes scrolling at different rates to give a nice dimensional effect, augmented with other touches of animation. My screen captures above attempt to give some idea of the changing relationship of the planes, but they’re inadequate to the task; you need…

  • Rachel Constantine

    Contemporary realist Rachel Constantine is based here in Philadelphia, where she studied at the University of the Arts, The Fleisher Art Memorial and the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Her work is featured in Alla Prima: A Contemporary Guide to Traditional Direct Painting by Al Gury, current chairman of the Painting department at PAFA;…

  • Ray Morimura

    Tokyo born artist Ray Morimura creates woodblock and linocut prints that manage to feel at once traditional and modern. His crisp, sharp edges of color delineate forms that often repeat or combine to form patterns, at times varying in size to suggest perspective and distance. Morimura studied painting at Tokyo Gakugel University. He originally worked…

  • Jonathan Jones’ top five rabbits in art

    I don’t know how small long-eared mammals (not to mention the shelled embryos of certain avian species and similarly shaped confections) came to be associated with the Christian holiday observance of Easter, but there they are, popping up in popular culture all over the place. Jonathan Jones, writing in his OnArt blog on, uses…

  • Boris Indrikov

    Russian graphic artist and painter Boris Indrikov was born in Lenningrad and currently lives in Moscow. He worked for some years as an illustrator and book designer, and now creates gallery art in oil, sculpture and graphics. Aside from that, there is little additional information on his website bio (English passage below the Russian). The…

  • More J.C. Leyendecker from Leif Peng and Roger Reed

    Leif Peng, whose terrific blog Today’s Inspiration never fails to inform the mind and dazzle the eye, has recently published two posts on the great American Illustrator J.C. Leyendecker, adding to his already extensive posts on the subject: Leyendecker, Kuppenheimer, Arrow… and Beach and J.C. Leyendecker: “… a recluse locked in struggles of power and…