Lines and Colors art blog

Judsons Plein Air Journal

Judsons Plein Air Journal
Judsons Art Outfitters is a company that manufactures and sells plein air painting supplies, including a popular line of pochade boxes (see my 2008 post on pochade boxes).

Since 2008, they have been maintaining a blog on plein air artists both contemporary and historic, plein air techniques, plein air competitions and other events of interest to plein air painters, and of course, materials.

The blog, titled Judsons Plein Air Journal, inclides short profiles of the featured artists, along with sample images and links to their websites.

In 2010 they moved the blog from its original home on Blogger and integrated it into their main product website. The archives are now on the new site as well, though you may find them easier to browse using the right hand menu bar on the old blog.


One response to “Judsons Plein Air Journal

  1. I like the tips & Advice, use it when doing Murals.