Lines and Colors art blog

Sayaka Ouhito

Sayaka Ouhito
Japanese artist Sayaka Ouhito is an illustrator, and perhaps a concept artist. I’m unsure about the latter as I can’t read Japanese and, save for this relatively uninformative interview, there seems to be very little information available about her in English.

Other than that, I know little about her, just my own impressions of the delightful drawing and Miyazaki-like charm that make her work so appealing.

This gallery on her website is the best source for her work, though I found looking through the rest of the website difficult and unfruitful, more because of the lack of clear identification of links than the language barrier.

She also has a blog, which includes some larger versions of works in the previously mentioned gallery, as well as others, but takes some digging through photos of cute animals and such to get to them.

[Via Drawn, also here and here]

WebsiteGoogle Translate English

BlogGoogle Translate English

English interview (with illustrations)

Gallery on Pixiv, (click on link above images next to little character for more)


6 responses to “Sayaka Ouhito”

  1. Oh wow, thank you for finding and sharing this. It’s absolutely delightful and charming!

  2. Very sweet without being treacley.

  3. Great find! Do you know if there are any prints for sale?

  4. Too late, I was planning to make a post on her 🙂

    1. Don’t let my post stop you, Li-An. It’s not like we share the same readership (grin).

      Of course, other Lines and Colors readers who have not checked out Li-An’s excellent blog, should certainly do so: It’s in French, but the illustrations require no translation, and Google Translate can handle the rest.

  5. Love the last piece. With the trees.