Even before seeing it in person, I will without hesitation or reservation recommend Paul Madonna’s Everything is its own reward: An All Over Coffee Collection, the second collection of his remarkable feature in the San Francisco Chronicle, All Over Coffee.
For more detail, see the review on Parka Blogs.
For more of me raving about this wonderful and unique combination of thought provoking words and beautiful wash drawings, see my previous post: Paul Madonna: All Over Coffee.
The pages on the site of publisher City Lights for his first collection of All Over Coffee and this collection both feature downloadable PDFs of the cover and first several drawings from the volume.
Do yourself a favor and download them to see the drawings above and others reproduced larger.
Then grab the books.
Then check out his new collaborative features in which he works back and forth with other writers. (See numbered links in right column.)
Then find the latest feature on the SFGate page for All Over Coffee, then check out the Archive, and then come back again and again, waiting for the next entry.