Lines and Colors art blog

Olivier Tossan

Olivier Tossan
Olivier Tossan is a visual development artist who grew up in Paris, lived an worked in Berlin for 12 years, and is now established in California where he is working for DreamWorks Animation Studios.

Tossan has a springy, lively style, particularly in his character designs, that he embellishes with a dark palette accented with highlights of brighter light and more intense color.

The design of his website unfortunately sacrifices display of the art for cleverness and isn’t as effective a showcase as one might hope. You can find additional work, more straightforwardly presented and often larger, on his blog. There is also a small portfolio on the Creative Talent Network and you can occasionally find his work at Gallery Nucleus.


2 responses to “Olivier Tossan”

  1. SFEZ VICTOR Avatar

    Bonjour Olivier ,
    J’ai une œuvre signee de votre main et datée
    o.tossan . Berlin . 27.09.92
    Dessin a l’encre , représentant un homme nu
    …plus bas
    Une feuille sur laquelle est peinte une plume de pigeon…
    Le contour de l’œuvre est une grosse bande noire aux angles arrondies .

    Merci de me contacter pour m’en dire plus sur cette oeuvre assez mystérieuse .
    Victor Sfez ( Marchand et Galeriste )

    1. Victor,

      Olivier Tossan is not likely to see your comment here. You can contact him directly by going to his website: and choosing the link for “Biography/Contact”. (You may need to wait a few moments for the website to initially load.)