Royalists to Romantics: Women Artists from the Louvre, Versailles, and Other French National Collections is an exhibition at the National Museum for Women in the Arts in Washington, DC that offers a chance to view paintings from European collections by women artist who were active from 1750 to 1850.
Unfortunately, the museum’s website doesn’t feature a preview, but Salon has both a review and preview slideshow. The artists bear further investigation should you care to research them on the internet (particularly Élisabeth Louise Vigée-Lebrun and Constance Mayer, two favorites of mine that I have not yet featured on Lines and Colors).
Royalists to Romantics is on display until July 29, 2012. There is a catalog accompanying the exhibition.
(Images above: Constance Mayer, Antoinette Cécile Hortense, Adrienne Marie Louise Grandpierre-Deverzy, Rose Adélaïde Ducreux, Adélaïde Labille-Guiard)