Lines and Colors art blog

Picturing Spring: An Equinox Celebration on

Picturing Spring: An Equinox Celebration on Abbott Handerson Thayer, Stephen Hickman, Greg and Tim Hildebrandt, N.C Wyeth, J.C. Leyendecker, Walter Everett, Daniel Ridgeway Knight, John William Waterhouse
In what I hope will become a regular feature, Irene Gallo, art director of Tor, Forge, Starscape and, has reprised the idea behind her post from last December, Picturing Winter, a Solstice Celebration, as Picturing Spring: An Equinox Celebration.

The basis of the original post was to ask several illustrators and art directors to suggest some favorite images of winter, created by themselves, other contemporary artists or artists from history.

The result was a treat, as I mentioned in my post about it, and though it was meant as a one-off article, Gallo decided to continue because, in her words, “…the post was too much fun to put together and I learned way too much not to try it again”.

I think her readers would agree on both counts.

This time around the subject is spring and the vernal equinox, and the result is a similarly wonderful, and enlightening, array of illustrations, concept art, museum and gallery art from both contemporary and historic sources.

Readers familiar with Lines and Colors know that I love this kind of mix of styles, genres and centuries, and I was delighted when Gallo asked me to participate in this round.

My suggestions were two images by Daniel Ridgeway Knight and one by John William Waterhouse (images above, bottom three).

The overall mix in her post is a treat, and the article includes comments by the participants and Gallo on the artists and works chosen. You may find some beautiful works and artists that are new to you.

The images in the post are linked to larger versions, and you will find it worth looking up artists with whom you’re not familiar to find more of their work.

Don’t forget to click on the names of the illustrators, gallery artists and art directors who made the suggestions to follow back to their own sites and blogs; in addition to the artists suggested, they themselves represent a “tip of the iceberg” dive into a wealth of dazzling artwork.

(Images above: Abbott Handerson Thayer, Stephen Hickman, Greg and Tim Hildebrandt, N.C Wyeth, J.C. Leyendecker, Walter Everett, Daniel Ridgeway Knight, Daniel Ridgeway Knight, John William Waterhouse)


11 responses to “Picturing Spring: An Equinox Celebration on”

  1. What a lovely group of paintings of la primavera!!

    great idea; I look forward to summer.

    Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors

  2. That Pan painting by Everett is wonderful!

  3. This is such a great idea, I love these types of collections.

  4. “I am sick of four walls and a ceiling. I have need of the sky, I have business with the grass.”
    Author: Richard Hovey

    And so do I

  5. Andrew C Avatar

    Spring? But it’s coming into Autumn! What a topsy-turvy existence you must live on the other side of the planet. What, do you have your summer holidays in July? Ridiculous.

    1. Yeah, the Earth can make things confusing that way – plus the whole thing is spinning! Makes me dizzy.

  6. All above painting are really very artistic help in my painting art creation.

  7. Caddisman Avatar

    What a beautiful and varied collection!

    Thank you for linking us, Charlie.


  8. real life looking

  9. Oh yes, something for everybody 🙂
    The larger collection on Tor is even more impressive – just a pity ( as another post has mentioned ) that for some of us, we are heading into Autumn – I hope your Summer proves not to be the fizzer that Summer was here this last year !

    1. Thanks, Brian. I know you got slammed by mother nature last year (as did Europe in a different way). Here on the East Coast of the US, we’ve had an unusually mild winter and are experiencing an early spring.