Lines and Colors art blog

Free Comic Book Day 2012

Free Comic Book Day 2012Here in the U.S., tomorrow, Saturday, May 5, is Free Comic Book Day, a yearly opportunity for those who love comics to pick up some free promotional titles prepared by publishers large and small to promote their lines.

More importantly, it’s an opportunity for those who aren’t familiar with the current state of comic books (which may be quite different than you think), to visit a comic book specialty store in an atmosphere of open house, with proprietors ready to introduce new readers to titles that they might find of interest and answer any questions they may have.

Many stores also use the occasion to hold sales, have signing events and otherwise use the day as “Comic Book Day” as much as “Free Comic Book Day.

There is an official Free Comic Book Day website, that includes a Store Locator to find a participating comics store in your area, and page describing the comics that will be given away, including PDF previews of some titles. Not all are available at all stores; check your store to see if they are featuring Gold (more common) or Gold and Silver (more extensive) titles.

For more, see some of my previous posts, below, particularly the one from 2005, in which I talk more about why you might want to check out comic books, especially if you think they are only about superheroes.


3 responses to “Free Comic Book Day 2012”

  1. I always look forward to free comic book day. Every year, it comforts me to discover that people are doing great things with the medium. And thank you for posting this so I have a preview of what to expect tomorrow.

  2. Is free Comic Book Day just a US thing or is there a way of getting them in the UK?